76 East Monroe St., Chicago, IL60603.
reservations@ucco.com, ffernandez@ucco.com
Appollo Bunder, Mumbai - 400 039.
rbycmail@vsnl.net, reservation@rbyc.co.in, secretary@rbyc.co.in
022 22021880, 67527200, 67527262
022 22021014
The Bengal Club Ltd, 33- B,Chowringhee Road, Calcutta - 700 016.
033 40205100, 40205101
#8, Adayar Club Gate Road, Chennai - 600 028.
guestrooms@madrasclub.org, madrasclub@satyam.net.in
044 24350121, 24350245, 24320727, 24321482
044 24320947
K. Khadye Marg, Tulsiwadi, Mumbai - 400 034.
secretary@willingdonclub.com, assttosecy@willingdonclub.com
022 23545754, 23545755, 23545757, 23528600
022 23525802
No.29, Grand Hotel Road, Nuwara Eliya, Srilanka.
hillclub@sltnet.lk, reshillc@sltnet.lk
+(94) 0522 224132, 222653, 223192, 224132, 235968
052 2222654
The Director General, Park Place, St.Jame's Street, London - SWIA 1LR.
info@rosl.org.uk, guestrelations@rosl.org.uk
020 74080214
020 74996738
Stratford House, Stratford Place, London - W1C 1ES.
info@orientalclub.org.uk, Reservations@orientalclub.org.uk
44 (0) 20 76295126
44 (0) 20 76290494
Jalan Panglima Bukit Gantag Wahab P.O3, 30000 Ipoh, Peark Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia - 2536751.
+605 2542212, 2545646, 2558611, 2537833
+605 2558610
P.O.Box: 16526, Muthaiga Road, Muthaiga Country Club, Nairobi, Kenya - 00620.
reservations@mcc.co.ke, secretary@mcc.co.ke
+(254) 0734 605055/66, 0722 200785, 0721 632802/907, 658478
(+254) 020 2603963
106, Pall Mall, London SWIY 5EP, UK.
secretary@thetravellersclub.org.uk, Hristina@thetravellersclub.org.uk
0044 20 79308688
0044 20 79302019
33, Melville St, Dunedin, P.O. Box 88, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand.
64 3 4770082, 0 3 4770082
64 3 4770079
189, Suriwongse Road, Bangkok 10500, Thailand.
info@britishclubbangkok.org, thanyaphon@britishclubbangkok.org
66 22340247
66 22351560